
The project is coordinated by the University of Valencia (Spain) and, besides SATA, the consortium includes 6 partners from Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, and Spain. The ultimate project objective is promoting the adoption of Access Points (AP) of the peppol network based on the AS4 model recently introduced.

SATA, which is provided with its own AS4 Access Point and the relative Service Metadata Publisher (SMP), both certified at the Italian and European levels, is taking part in the project with the specific aim of promoting them at Promofarma, the IT company of FederFarma that associated about 18.000 private pharmacies. Promofarma itself is member of the AS4EDI2020 consortium, and the expected result at project completion is its substantial independence in exchanging orders and despatch advises on behalf of the associated pharmacies. A conformance test to the EU norms, as well as a cross-border interoperability test, are envisaged to demonstrate the achievement of the expected results.

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