SATA has completed, in strict collaboration with Promofarma, the analysis and design phase of the Access Point and Service Metadata Publisher to operate on the Peppol network
Remember that the project objective is, for SATA, the provision to Promofarma of the mentioned nodes of the Peppol network duly integrated with its software applications in such a way to enable the exchange of orders and despatch advises with the pharmacies associated in FederFarma.
To that purpose, the following activities have been carried out:
– Analysis of the different architectures suited for that solution and choice of a direct approach based on specific middlewares for the two nodes.
– Design of the middleware to wrap up the Access Point node by exposing a set of APIs for sending and receiving the intended business documents.
– Design of the middleware to wrap up the Service Metadata Publisher node by exposing a set of APIs to register the users on the Peppol network.
With the completion of the design phase SATA is now in the conditions to start implementation and certification, in the test and production environments, of the two Peppol nodes registered to Promofarma, and the development of the respective middlewares, followed by the integration with the Promofarma applications and the final operational testing.
According to the work plan, the outcome of those activities will be available by the end of this year so as to allow, in the first months of 2022, the execution of the foreseen conformance tests with the Peppol norms, driven by HaDEA agency, and the interoperability tests between the consortium members as further evidence of the project success
Disclaimer: The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of SATA and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.