SATA was founded in 1983
SATA was founded in 1983
Since 1992 SATA is taking part in regional, national and European RTD and Technology Transfer projects
Since 2008 SATA is specialised in the semantic extraction of the whole contents of orders, dispatch advises and invoices
The Full Invoice service provides a complete processing of AP and AR invoices, starting from their original format, according to the national eInvoicing rules.
DiscoverThe Full Invoice EU service provides a complete processing of AP and AR invoices in the European standard formats, exchanged through the Peppol network.
DiscoverThe DDE (DocDataExtraction) service ensures the extraction of the contents of interest from typical business documents, i.e. orders, order responses, despatch advises, invoices, provided in Pdf format.
DiscoverThe ODE (OtherDocExtraction) service ensures the extraction of the contents of interest from Pdf documents other than the business documents processed by the DDE service.
DiscoverAny ERP system of the health care organisation suppliers is in condition to issue Pdf DDTs, and Full NSO Peppol is able to extract all the contents of a Pdf DDT.
DiscoverThe Full NSO Peppol service provides a complete processing of customer orders presently focused on (but not necessarily limited to) the national norms for eProcurement by public health care organisations, based on the so-called Nodo Smistamento Ordini (NSO or NSO-MEF).